2005 Arts Festival: Attendees Loved It

October 2, 2005 – Hollywood, CA: The Fifth Annual Artists For A Better World Arts Festival, held at Celebrity Centre International in Hollywood from September 29 through October 2, 2005 completed another series of events celebrating aesthetics and the ideals of creating a better world. Talented artists of many artistic disciplines joined together to exhibit, educate, perform, entertain, award and especially engender artistic participation with attendees.
Carmelita Pittman enjoyed reciting poetry at the “Poetry Under Glass” event. She also participated in the “Dance Create” event, and exhibited a painting she made to help raise funds for hurricane Katrina victims. She said, “I believe the ‘Awards Event’ was the highlight of the festival. The talent this year was exceptional.”
Richard Reich, Emcee of the awards ceremony, thought the entertainment at the Awards ceremony was great. He liked the validation of artists. “It was great being part of an effort to award artists who are helping to create a better world through their art. I had a ball!!”
Leslie Silton, Event Producer, Director and Performer attended “Storytelling Night” and her own “Poetry Under Glass” event. She found the Pavilion a great venue for a high quality poetry event. She enthused, “I got to perform, got to pull together some of my favorite poets and got to show off great poetry to the public. I was pleased to provide an opportunity for poets to perform and realize an emotional blast.”
Jeannie Deva delivered her “Secret to Vocal Power” workshop and attended the Awards show on Saturday Night. She found the entertainment, including world-class salsa and ballet dancers, to be wonderful. Her successful workshop introduced many people to Celebrity Centre International.
Larry Williams, Assistant Stage Manager of the Awards Event, said, “It’s very cool to award artists who are helping others, and by example, leading others to do the same. It kind of creates a perpetuating effect of using aesthetics to help others.”
Becky Mate, Co-Producer and AFABW Int Treasurer, attended “Storytelling Night,” the “Screenwriting Workshop,” the “Awards Event” and the Visual Arts Display. She was struck by their high quality. What she liked most were the audience responses and laughs at “Storytelling Night,” as well as the fact that the attendees of the “Screenwriting Workshop” got so much inspiration and practical information to forward their writing careers. She also enjoyed the appreciation the artist awardees expressed to AFABW Int for recognizing their efforts. She was also enthralled with a number of the visual art pieces that had her intrigued and mesmerized.
Artists For A Better World International is a global network of artists who share a vision of creating a better world through aesthetics and is open to persons of goodwill from all religions, nationalities, creeds, races and cultures. In short, any and all who desire to help in the creation of a better world. By uplifting the culture through aesthetics, by raising the awareness of artists and others about the power the artist has in forwarding social betterment and by working with and supporting community service activities, AFABW Int and its members are making and inspiring positive changes in society.