2005 Arts Festival: Dance Create

October 2, 2005 – Hollywood, CA: Creative Dance took center stage today as part of the 5th Annual Artists For A Better World Arts Festival. Participants in the Dance Workshop, under the tutelage of dance instructor Maria Del Bagno, created an impromptu choreographic dance performance that was presented in the Garden Pavilion at Celebrity Centre International for the Dance Create event later in the afternoon.
Costumed dancers swayed, undulated, sashayed and inspired from the stage in a procession of rhythmic beauty, or at times conversely, as a background tableau of living art for featured performers taking turns expressing life through living-breathing aesthetic grace.
Dance instructor, Maria Del Bagno, has been dancing since she was four and teaches actors, pro dancers and anyone wishing to express themselves through the art of motion. Del Bagno says she is pioneering her own unique style and delights in helping others to do the same. “My passion is to make dance accessible to my community — to bring the joy of dance to literally anyone and show people that it is an easy thing to do,” said Del Bagno. Bagno is a supporter of Artists For A Better World, which is an international network of artists who view art as a way to build a better world on a community by community basis. “As AFABW artists we have a support system and we help each other get our artistic visions into the neighborhoods,” says Del Bagno.
Other art media represented in the Artists For A Better World Arts Festival included poetry, public speaking, vocal coaching, life drawing, storytelling, screenwriting and art career development. A special attraction was the Tsunami Survivors Photo Exhibit created by members of the Scientology Disaster Response team while serving in Southeast Asia. Sale of photos benefits recovery projects in countries hit by the tsunami.
Dance Create, a “Musical Dance Theatre Company,” features Annie Brown, Vanessa Guerrero, Lisa Shomo, Elisha Johnson, Erin Maxick, Marina Benedict and Elizabeth Donaldson. The group supports dance in the community and has many dates booked for future performances.
Artists For A Better World International is dedicated to building a worldwide network of artists who share a vision of creating a better world through aesthetics.