2008 AFABW Int Call for Fine Art

February 29, 2008 – Hollywood: Artists For A Better World International has issued a 2008 “Call for Fine Art.” Visual art may be submitted – without cost – and selected artworks will be featured within upcoming 2008 AFABW Int publications, such as poetry and short story books, a fine art calendar, “Art Day” greeting cards, and a music CD. Artists whose works are published will be given full credit as well as additional AFABW Int promotion. Artists who choose to submit their work via the AFABW Int website will also receive an upgraded AFABW Int “Premier” membership ($75.00 value) at no cost.
AFABW Int fine art submissions are welcome and requested from artists of goodwill from all nationalities, creeds, races, cultures and religions.
Artists may submit up to three (3) pieces of work, for no cost, and their artwork will be considered for each and all of the following upcoming AFABW Int publications and opportunities:
- Twelve (12) fine artworks will be selected for the 5th annual AFABW Int 2009 Fine Art Calendar
- One (1) fine artwork may be selected for the cover of the upcoming 3rd AFABW Int Poetry Anthology
- Several fine artworks will be selected and featured inside the upcoming 3rd AFABW Int Poetry Anthology book
- One (1) fine artwork may be selected for the cover of the upcoming 2nd AFABW Int Short Story Compilation book
- One (1) fine artwork will be selected for the cover of the upcoming 3rd AFABW Int compilation music CD
- Several fine artworks will be selected for the covers of the 2008 2nd AFABW Int Art Day Greeting Cards project. (Part of a multi-year effort to establish an international holiday for the arts).
- Various artworks will also be featured periodically on the AFABW Int Home Page and in the AFABW Int monthly Art Line eNewsletter
- Many of the visual artworks will be featured within the AFABW Int website
Additionally, all fine artists who submit their artworks via the AFABW Int website will receive a Premier online AFABW Int membership ($75.00 value) for no cost. This allows each artist to display their bio and favorite quote, as well music and writing, all in addition to their visual art.
AFABW Int is dedicated to building a worldwide network of artists who share a vision of creating a better world through aesthetics and is open to artists and art enthusiasts of goodwill from all religions, nationalities, creeds, races and cultures. In short, any and all who desire to help in the creation of a better world are eligible to submit their art.
Any visual art media that may be represented in a graphics file (such as jpg), or as a hard-copy representation (such as a photo of a sculpture) is eligible. This includes paintings, illustrations, sketches, photographs, sculpture, digital art, in short, ANY visual art that can be scanned, photographed, or in some way duplicated so that it can been viewed by others, either online, or as a hard-copy photograph that would be mailed to AFABW Int.
“Better World Art” is the overarching theme that would qualify submissions for consideration within the AFABW Int publications. This overarching “BETTER WORLD ART” theme is purposefully broad to encourage art submissions and not to be limiting. A “Better World Art” message does not suggest artwork should have a certain mood, such as happy or sad: it may be any mood. It is the artist’s intent and the message received by viewers of the art that would represent a “Better World Art” message. Any artist whose work is intended to uplift and inspire, and/or convey constructive concepts by whatever visual means they elect to do so, could be construed to reflect a “Better World Art” message. For additional insight, please review the purpose of AFABW Int, as delineated in the AFABW Int Mission Statement.
Artworks may be of any genre: such as abstract, landscape, wildlife, portraits, people, architecture, classical, etc.
If artwork contains a recognizable person a model release will need to be supplied.
Selections will be made by staff of Artists For A Better World International
Artists must publish their submissions to the AFABW website by May 31, 2008, or mail their work to AFABW and have it postmarked by May 31, 2008.
NOTE: The AFABW Int website is set up to allow anyone with rudimentary computer skills to publish their art on the AFABW Int website. If an artist is comfortable using email, can read instructions, and is comfortable with uploading image files, the process of publishing art to the AFABW Int will be very simple. Otherwise, artists are welcome to mail their art to AFABW Int (Mailed art will not be published to the AFABW Int website, but will be considered for inclusion into the AFABW int physical publications).
NOTE: It is strongly advised that artists who are submitting art via the AFABW Int online submission process do so as early as possible to allow time for AFABW Int to upgrade their membership to the special no-cost PREMIER membership and to allow time to upload and present their work as the artist desires.
NOTE: All artwork submitted by the deadline will be given due attention. However, earlier submissions will have a benefit of more time for consideration.
1) There are no fees for visual art submissions.
2) Artists may submit up to three (3) of their best pieces for potential inclusion within any of the upcoming AFABW int publications. Artwork may be submitted via the AFABW Int website, or mailed to AFABW Int.
3) Online Submissions:
Artists who submit their work online will receive a Premier AFABW Int online Membership at no cost, which allows them to upload image, text, audio and video files. Here is how artists may receive the no-cost AFABW Int Premier online membership and upload their art:
3a) Click “MEMBERS LOGIN” on the left side of the AFABW Int website
3b) Click “Sign In For FREE”
3c) Click “FREE Sign In”
3d) Enter registration details (and ignore the credit card information). Artists will need to write down the login and password information they created. The login and password will be needed to upload art.
3e) Artists should select an art genre near the bottom under “SELECT CATEGORY” (artists may select more than one category). This determines where their art will appear within the AFABW online ARTISTS DIRECTORY.
3f) NOTE: Artists will “not” be able to upload art until their membership is upgraded to PREMIER by AFABW Int staff. Artists will receive an email within 48 hours notifying them that their PREMIER membership has been upgraded for no cost. At that point, they can login and see the simple instructions to upload art. If notification is not received within 48 hours, artists should send an email reminder (see CONTACTS below) in case their email address was typed incorrectly during registration, or in case the email notification from AFABW Int did not make it to the artists email inbox.
Artists who already have a “FREE” or “ASSOCIATES” ($20.00 value) online AFABW Int membership who wish to have their visual art considered for these publications should scroll down to “CONTACTS” and simply request the no-cost upgrade.
Artists who already have a PREMIER online AFABW Int membership who wish to have their visual art considered for these publications should scroll down to “CONTACTS” and simply request a no-cost, one-year extension of their Premier membership.
4) Mail-in Submissions:
Artists are welcome to mail photographs or electronic media of their artwork to AFABW Int for potential inclusion within the AFABW Int publications.
4a) PHOTOGRAPHS: Three (3) hard-copy photographs, or digital duplications of visual art, may be mailed in sizes 4×6, 5×7, or 8×10 inches.
4b) DIGITAL MEDIA: Three (3) digital-media representations of visual art may be mailed on CD or DVD using any common graphics file, such as jpg, gif, png, pdf, psd or tiff.
4c) Artists need to label CDs, DVDs, or Photographs with their name, address, email and phone number as well as the title of the artwork.
4d) Mailed-in photographs or digital media will not be returned and AFABW Int is not responsible for the condition in which such may arrive. Artists should package photos or digital media to handle the adventures of international mail and/or the United States Postal Service and/or any other package delivery service.
Artists For A Better World International
5125 Hollywood Blvd. #13
Hollywood, CA 90027
Artists whose work has been selected through a hierarchy of judging processes will be notified by email that one or more of their pieces is a FINALIST for a specific publication (Poetry book, Calendar, Art Day Cards, etc). At that time, a high-resolution image will be requested by a certain date, which may be a week or two, depending upon the production deadline for the specific publication.
It is the responsibility of the artist to supply the high-resolution image in the time requested to be considered for the FINALIST SELECTIONS. An artist who is unable to respond in time, or unable to supply a high-resolution image as requested, will not be considered for the concluding FINALIST SELECTIONS which determines which artworks are ultimately published. (See Notifications below).
The publications will be available for purchase from the AFABW Int online store as they are completed at different times throughout the year.
The AFABW Int publications are produced by a community of professionals who volunteer their time and resources to help artists and to help forward the purpose of AFABW Int, which, among others, is to help create a better world via aesthetics. There is no money requested from any artists to submit their work, or to be included in any of the AFABW Int publications. Therefore, there is no funding for complimentary copies for the completed publications. Artists will have an opportunity to purchase these properties for a short time after they are completed, at a specially discounted price, if they wish. The specially discounted price will not be available to the general public. The discount period is usually several weeks and is announced via the AFABW Int Art Line eNewsletter.
Information about the special discount for artists who are included in the publications will be available through the monthly AFABW Int Art Line eNewsletter (and will not be noted in the online store).
It is the responsibility of the artist to be aware of AFABW Int publications as they become available as well as the special discounts. Artists should ensure that they are subscribed to the free monthly Art Line eNewsletter (See Notifications below).
Artists are strongly advised to register for a free subscription to the monthly Art Line eNewsletter to receive news and updates about these publications, as well as other AFABW Int information. Register for the Art Line on the home page of the AFABW Int website. (Art Line registration is a separate and additional process, as compared to registering for an AFABW Int online membership).
Artists should ensure that their AFABW Int online contact information is correct and up to date so they may be contacted should their work be selected into any of the publications.
Artists maintain all original rights to their artwork. By mailing art to AFABW Int, or publishing artwork to the AFABW Int website, artists are granting the right to AFABW Int to publish their artwork should their work be selected for any of the AFABW Int properties.
Click here for information on the on AFABW Int website Terms of Use and Privacy Statement.
Click Contact for questions or more information.
Contact R. Mate for questions on short story submissions.
Contact Jerry Keane for questions on fine art submissions.
Contact David Repchuk for questions regarding no-cost AFABW Premier Membership upgrades.
Submit your fine art today!