2008 AFABW Int Call for Poetry

June 23, 2008 – Hollywood: Artists For A Better World International has announced its 2008 “Call for Poetry” to global poets for potential inclusion in the third AFABW Int poetry compilation book. Poets may submit up to three (3) of their poems, for no cost, and poets whose works are selected for inclusion in the book will be given full credit as well as additional AFABW Int promotion. Poets may submit their work via the AFABW website and will receive an upgraded AFABW Int “Premier” membership ($75.00 value) at no cost.
AFABW Int is dedicated to building a worldwide network of artists who share a vision of creating a better world through aesthetics and is open to artists and art enthusiasts of goodwill from all religions, nationalities, creeds, races and cultures. In short, any and all who desire to help in the creation of a better world are eligible to submit their poetry.
Final Poetry Judging for the next AFABW Int Poetry Anthology will be by Best-Selling Author, Editor, Founder & President of the Canadian Federation of Poets and Executive Poetry Editor of Artists For A Better World International
For additional poetry submission insights, view this 4 1/2 min. video clip of TRACY REPCHUK, being interviewed by George Alger, President of Artists For A Better World International.
“Better World Poetry” is the overarching theme that would qualify any submissions for potential inclusion within the AFABW Int poetry compilation book.
This theme is purposefully broad to encourage submissions, and not to be limiting.
This theme does not suggest poems should convey certain subjects or moods, such as happy or sad: poems may be any mood. It is the poet’s intent and the message received by readers that would represent a message of a “Better World Poetry.”
Any poet whose work is intended to uplift and inspire, and/or convey constructive concepts by whatever means they elect to do so, could be construed to reflect a “Better World Poetry.”
For additional insight, please review the purpose of AFABW Int, as delineated in the AFABW Int Mission Statement.
DEADLINE: August 31, 2008
Poets must upload their poetry submissions to the AFABW int website by August 31, 2008.
NOTE: Poets should request their FREE “PREMIER” upgrade on the AFABW Int website no later than AUGUST 24, 2008 – the earlier the better – to ensure enough time for AFABW Int to process their request, and for the poet to upload their work. (See SUBMIT YOUR POETRY below).
NOTE: All poetry submitted by the deadline will be given due attention. However, earlier submissions will have a benefit of more time for consideration.
Enter your details to SUBMIT YOUR POETRY!
Enter your details to receive your FREE AFABW Int “PREMIER” Membership ($75 value) to upload your poetry to the AFABW Int website.
Then check your email inbox for uploading instructions.
Your email details are strictly confidential!
State or Province:
Poets whose work has been selected through a hierarchy of judging processes will be notified by email that one or more of their poems are a FINALIST for the AFABW Int poetry compilation book. At that time, confirmation of additional information that would potentially be published, such as poet’s bio and website, will be requested by a certain date, which may be a week or two, depending upon the production schedule. Timely confirmation of the poet’s bio, website and any other pertinent information will be a factor in determining the poems that ultimately are published in the book. (The poets’ online biographies will need to be edited and standardized for book publication).
The completed poetry compilation book will be available for purchase from the AFABW Int online store after it is completed later this year.
The AFABW Int poetry book will be produced by a community of professionals who volunteer their time and resources to help poets and to help forward the purpose of AFABW Int, which, among others, is to help create a better world via aesthetics. There is no money requested from any poet to submit their work, or to be included in this book or any of the other 2008 AFABW Int publications. As well, there is no funding for complimentary copies of the book. Poets will have an opportunity to purchase this book for a short time after they are completed, at a specially discounted price, if they wish. The specially discounted price will not be available to the general public. The discount period is usually several weeks and is announced via the AFABW Int Art Line eNewsletter.
Information about the special discount for poets who are included in the book, as well as other AFABW Int publications, will be available through the monthly AFABW Int Art Line eNewsletter (and will not be noted in the online store).
Poets should ensure that their AFABW Int online contact information is correct and up to date so they may be contacted should their work be selected into any of the publications.
Poets maintain all original rights to their work. By uploading work to the AFABW Int website, or in any way providing poetry or any other art to AFABW Int, poets are granting the right to AFABW Int to include their poems within the AFABW Int poetry compilation book (should their poetry be selected) and to use it for promotional purposes.
See below for information on the on AFABW Int website Terms of Use and Privacy Statement.
This is AFABW’s 2007 poetry anthology, Spirit of Humanity, Poetic Visions Of A Better World. The soft-covered book includes 71 global poets and 11 fine artists featured throughout its 145 pages. The Spirit of Humanity embraces the shared ideals of a better world common to mankind through the ages, regardless of how different the specifics of such ideals may be expressed.
Click the book cover for more info and to make a purchase
Click “CONTACT” for questions or more information.