2023 Year In Review

December 29, 2023 – Los Angeles: Another year has raced by. Artists For A Better World International is now on the verge of our 25th year in operation. Mail Art and poetry have frequently been featured as part of our activities over much of the past quarter century.
And for 2023 we continued to carry that tradition forward.
In June we launched our 2024 Call for Mail Art, which has a deadline this April 15th. Be sure to submit your Mail Art!
April 15th was the deadline for this year’s “Global Call for Mail Art” which was launched the year prior. April 15 is also the annual date for World Art Day, which we have been raising awareness for over the years.
Throughout this year, five 60-second cable TV spots were broadcast on Our Ventura TV, featuring 2023 Mail Art selections from around the world. Each TV spot showcases work from eight (8) different artists. Although we were unable to feature all the wonderful submissions received this year, we hoped to at least represent many of the different styles that reflected the theme, “Artistic Integrity.”
- 2023 Featured Mail Art Selections (1of5)
- 2023 Featured Mail Art Selections (2of5)
- 2023 Featured Mail Art Selections (3of5)
- 2023 Featured Mail Art Selections (4of5)
- 2023 Featured Mail Art Selections (5of5)
Although Mail Art captured the lion’s share of media attention, every month this year we were honored to feature a new “poem of the month” from global poets.
As we close this year, it’s fitting to restate that Artists For a Better World International is open to artists and art enthusiasts of all races, religions, nationalities, creeds and cultures who share our 3 beliefs:
- We believe in a world where good morals are valued
- We favor art that inspires and helps make the world a better place
- We support artistic and social improvement programs that are making positive changes in society
Visit our “About” page to learn more and keep creating!