
Artists For a Better World International is open to artists and art enthusiasts of all races, religions, nationalities, creeds and cultures who share our 3 beliefs:

  • We believe in a world where good morals are valued
  • We favor art that inspires and helps make the world a better place
  • We support artistic and social improvement programs that are making positive changes in society

By uplifting the culture through aesthetics…

By raising the awareness of the power the artist has in creating a better world…

And by supporting social betterment organizations…

Artists For a Better World International members are inspiring and forwarding social aims, dear to their own hearts.

Our group includes artists and art enthusiasts of goodwill from all parts of the globe who desire to help their communities.

Maybe you’ll find an occasional laugh…

Perhaps you’ll be inspired…

Most likely you’ll make some new friends.

Whether you want to connect with others, or just have some fun, you’re welcome to join us.

Artists For A Better World Pledge To The Arts


Whereas, I believe in creating a better world through the use of aesthetics;

Whereas, I understand that in the past, societies have flourished and expanded when they supported, encouraged and patronized the arts;

Whereas, I pledge to do all I can to create a better world by helping to keep the arts as a central part of our culture;

Whereas, I see the benefit of working with individuals and groups that are making positive changes in society;

Whereas, I pledge to take a wider responsibility as a creative being to do what I can to uplift the culture through aesthetics, and by using my talents in conjunction with those of similar purpose;

I pledge to support Artists for a Better World International in helping to create a new Renaissance for Mankind.


Jeannette Hay founded a Toronto arts group in the 1990s and then in 2000, she founded Artists For A Better World International in Los Angeles.

George Alger has been the president of the group since 2000, as well as the originator and executive producer of artistic projects that invite the participation of global artists, including music CDs, calendars, short story books, poetry books, mail art campaigns and more.

The group has thrived with the support and friendship of innumerable volunteers over the decades.