AFABW Holiday Party

December 16, 2018 — Los Angeles, CA: Today’s end-of-the-year Artists For A Better World holiday party highlighted some of the AFABW achievements of 2018 and outlined expansion for 2019.
Held at the home of Richard and Susan Stewart, long-time community champions, the party kicked off with a musical performance featuring Cherie Conner, Tim Corbo and Bob Cessarone, who uplifted the crowd with traditional Christmas songs and classics. Additionally, guests enjoyed a potluck dinner to accompany the music.
Richard Stewart began the presentations with some humor and made announcements about recent community activities and upcoming events.
One highlight was her announcement that the upcoming AFABW World Art Day event would be on April 27th 2019, at the Elks Lodge in Tujunga, CA.
The April festival will include visual artists, Toastmasters’ speeches, performances, arts activities for kids, booths for community groups such as Drug Free World and others.
Additional volunteers were organized to support the festival.
Becky Mate, founder of Art Day, talked about the holiday for the arts that she established in 1998. Over the years many artists have participated in the annual holiday event, and she touched upon events in different parts of the globe, including a group in India who produced their own Art Day celebration. Mate read a story to share her vision of what an ideal Art Day would be like with artists throughout the world taking part in this tradition. She likened it to being like Christmas, but giving the gift of art for this holiday.
Alice Pero presented holiday poems, followed by more music with the earlier trio, joined by singer Lauren Perreau. John Woodruff also entertained the guests by tap dancing.
There are additional volunteer opportunities for the April festival as well as with AFABW Int in general.