May 31, 2001 – Hollywood: Dancing, music, dancing, and more music filled the Garden Pavilion theatre at the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International in Hollywood on May 31st, 2001! The crowd was on its feet twisting, shaking, rocking & rolling in celebration of good times, and AFABW Int.
Founder of AFABW Int and Director of the upcoming International Arts Festival, Jeannette Hay, inspired the enthusiastic and playful audience to acknowledge their aesthetic achievements by positioning themselves in artistic groups established in the theatre. Ms. Hay also called upon the artists to offer their participation in the International Arts Festival coming up in September: “We have many persons giving workshops, seminars, exhibits and performances at the festival, as well as general volunteers, and we need even more!”
President of AFABW Int, George Alger, presented a digitally projected overview of the AFABW Int web site. This included statistics about the remarkable web site traffic being generated. He also noted the promotional benefit members are enjoying via the graphic, audio, video and textual media representation of their art on the web site. Mr. Alger said, “Artists For a Better World International exists to help make your work more broadly known!” Mr. Alger encouraged even more artists to become AFABW Int members.
The evening’s entertainment and presentations resulted in many new volunteer staff, new Artists For A Better World Int members, and especially an aesthetically inspired audience.