Art Day 2015 Call for Mail Art & Music Links

March 31st, 2015 — Los Angeles, CA: Since 2005, it has been a tradition on International Art Day, for artists to send Mail Art to show their support for a day dedicated to the arts and artists of all disciplines.
Mail Art is either a postcard or an artistic envelope, a personal expression by an artist. It is not the contents of an envelope, but the envelope itself.
Another of the global activities that AFABW Int is sponsoring this year is the Music Celebration of the Art Day Games (like the Olympics, but for the arts.) This is the fourth year of the Art Day Games; prior years celebrated visual art, poetry, photography and screenwriting.
We hope you have a Happy Art Day on the second Friday in August. This year it is August 14, 2015!
The top picks of both Mail Art and Music, will be featured on the AFABW Int website. It is also traditional for the Mail Art to be on display at the annual celebration of Art Day by its founder, Becky Mate, artist and resident of Sunland, California, USA. She said, “I am so encouraged to see artists from all over the world taking the time to send a small example of their creativity to Artists For A Better World. That which we all have in common as Mankind is creative, and this creative force can and does create a better world.”
If you’d like to participate, do the following:
1.The theme of this year’s Mail Art and Music Celebration is “Creativity of the Spirit.”
2. Send your Mail Art to Mail Art, c/o Randall Mate, 7862 Apperson St, Sunland, CA 91040, USA.
3. Send a link to your Music (up to three pieces) to Please include your name and address.
3. Deadline: 5pm on August 7, 2015 (Pacific Time)
For more information, email Becky Mate by visiting “Contact.“
Thank you for your support, celebration and dissemination of a global day for the arts, international Art Day, second Friday in August. The rewards from rehabilitating the ability to do art and the elevation of the the artist to leadership/visionary status are many times worth the effort.