Art Festival Scandinavia 2011

June 19, 2011 – Malmö, Sweden: The 2011 AFABW Scandinavian Art Festival concluded today. Weekend highlights included fine art displays, drawing, music, songwriting, photography, stagecraft, acting, writing, publishing and career workshops as well as live performances.
The Fine Art Exhibition featured prominent artist, Gun Lanciai, as well as Clas Vallin.
Marcus Andree delivered a workshop to help attendees speak comfortably on stage with an audience.
Actor Terence Hines presented a seminar on how to succeed as a professional actor.
Nils Persson gave a seminar on the Theory of Music as well as a clinic on bass guitar.
Paul Maselli presided over a guitar and drums clinic.
Aleena Gibson gave a songwriting seminar.
Peter Anstrin give a seminar on how to write and publish books and was joined by Åsa Graaf who presented information on book marketing.
Viveca Twellmann delivered a caricature workshop.
Photographer Martin Ekwall presented a full day seminar about the aesthetics and communication of photography.
Thorstens Overgaards presented a 3-day photography seminar.
Felix Kunze presented photos and stories from his travels around the world while working for the Volunteer Minsters.
Mimmi Siegel worked with attendees on stage presence and Stephane Décor delivered a workshop which included breathing, scales and vocal techniques.
Veteran prima ballerina, Kjerstin Kartrud, presented a seminar on Professionalism.
Throughout the weekend kids had their own tent where they could paint, sculpture, sing, play, dance, run around and be kids.

Teens played live music during Saturday and Sunday, some who came from Hamburg, Stockholm, and Copenhagen.
Concert artists included Fredrik and Olov who performed their own songs; Nils Persson, Paul Maselli and Morten Lucas rocked the house; Mimmi Siegel, Aleena Gibson and Sören Pedersen sang Mustang Sally to enthusiastic crowd; and DJ Steffan Bering had the crowd dancing for hours.
For more information, visit Arts Festival Scandinavia.