Art Festival Scandinavia 2012

June 17, 2012 – Malmö, Sweden: Art Festival Scandinavia 2012 has come to an end. Four days of seminars, workshops, concerts and art in Malmo (southern Sweden).
Seminars on topics such as songwriting, how to write a story, photography, theory behind art and music and much more, as well as open stage and big party with concert and BBQ. What a fantastic four days it has been! The lecturers were all very appreciated and renowned in their fields and the attendees were blown away!
Many enjoyed a room full of artistic materials where you could paint, draw and sculpture together with an amazing artist from Denmark.
The Art Exhibition out in the tent and in the glass hallway was, just like last year, the crown of the festival.
A separate tent for the teens all throughout the festival where they put together music and then performed at the big concert in the evening.
Some participants arrived from Germany, particularly for the music seminars.
One attendee later said “I should send you flowers every day for what you have given me and helped me with!” And that really summed up the purpose of the festival, to help artist be more powerful, feel more confident, know more about how to do it and succeed.