AFABW Int Short Story Book Released: Better World Stories

November 15, 2008 – Hollywood: Artists For A Better World International announced the release of its short story compilation book, BETTER WORLD STORIES. The soft-covered book features 13 global authors and stories throughout its 116 pages.
The stories in the book contain: An artist’s whimsical fantasy; a true brush with a celebrity; a marriage comedy involving eavesdropping; a wake-up call winter drama; upbeat wordplay; an off-world sci-fi drama; a Cherokee drama about new beginnings; a marriage fantasy about divorce plans gone wrong; a lofty poetic short; a Third World drama about honesty; diary entries from the warfront; a parable about jealousy in nature and a parable about offering help to the stubborn.
Short Story Judge for the book, Kelly Reno noted:
“Each of the selected stories in this Artists For A Better World International anthology has the magical element of shaping the world for the better. It was no easy task choosing the handful of tales that you’ll read in this book, for we received submissions from many talented writers from every corner of the globe. Some of the tales are inspirational, others will make you think and some are just laugh-out-loud funny. “
Artists For A Better World International thanks all writers who submitted their work to be considered for this short story book and encourages authors to consider submitting their work in future compilations.
Enjoy this short story compilation. A better world is within reach.
Better World Stories Table of Contents
An Artist’s Magical Travels by Kathy Yaude
A Tribute to Chuck by Walter Olkewicz
Wedding Bell Blues by Harry Frisch
Winter Revelation by George Alger
I’s Up To You by Mari Werner
Live Music by Rebecca Mate
ThunderCloud and the Old Man by Ronald J. Kule
The Town Called Nowhere by Better Brice
Green Dream by Paul Huth
Gilgil Station by Amir Hasham
Diaries of the Lost Ones by Joanna Celeste
The Wind and the Mountain by Ann Marie Smith
The Farmer and the Angel by Desmond Synott
Volunteer Staff: Better World Stories
This book was made available through the dedicated support of a handful of AFABW Int volunteers, including:
Executive Producer, George Alger
Editor-in-Chief, R. Mate
Short Story Judge, Kelly Reno
Editor, Val Gamiero
Editor, Josephine Anna Cook
Editor, Gen Whitt
Editor, Paul Huth
Editor, Mari Werner
Original Book Design, Mike Manoogian
Production, Charles Allen Harris
Artists For A Better World International has a purpose to raise the awareness of worldwide artists about using their creative powers to benefit mankind by leading the way to a better world and by supporting like-minded public benefit organizations that advocate humanitarian benevolence.
We accomplish our aims by cultivating international artistic participation in constructive, inspirational and creative projects as well as working hand-in-hand with other community advancement organizations.
AFABW Int activities include art and social betterment projects and/or events conceived to foster heightened awareness with and through art and artists, to help build a better world through aesthetics.