Call To Arts Expo

February 28, 2004 – Pasadena, CA: The Spring 2004 Artists Helping Artists “Call to Arts” Expo & Conference was held at the Pasadena Conference Center. Many hundreds attended the music and arts organization exhibits, viewed the original art and handiworks, enjoyed the music and attended the Conference Panels and Workshops. Variety Show performances featured a mixture of talent, including Rock, Celtic, Opera, Folk as well as some lively young dancers. Artists For A Better World International (AFABW Int) officer, Tom Fair was amongst the performers, as well as AFABW Int member and multi-platinum singer/songwriter, Harriet Schock.
Barbara Cordova was at the Artists For A Better World (AFABW) booth answering questions about the organization and the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International, where AFABW was founded, and letting interested persons know that many artists improve their lives and careers through Scientology courses. Ms. Cordova was also doing surveys, making new contacts and said, “This expo is a great way to get the word our about one of AFABW’s purposes, which is to build a worldwide network of artists who share a vision of creating a better world through aesthetics.” Ms. Cordova noted that all the artists she spoke with were in agreement with the goals and purposes of AFABW, especially the idea of artists uniting to help support top social betterment programs and using their art to make a positive impact on society.
AFABW Int fine artists, Jeannette Hay and Lura Schmiedeke, were at the AFABW Int booth, displaying their visual art while creating new paintings on the spot. Lura Schmiedeke won 2nd prize for one of her paintings in a juried art contest and Jeanette Hay received an honorable mention.
AFABW Int member, Becky Mate, was also on hand at the booth answering questions and promoting participation in the upcoming AFABW Arts Festival in September 2004, as well as the AFABW monthly Variety Showcase & Open Mic that is held the last Wednesday of every month at the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre International.
Artists Helping Artists (AHA) Founder, Glenn Horton, was pleased by the great turnout for the day. Mr. Horton said that “AHA is a Southern California based nonprofit artists association that recognizes, connects and energizes artists.”