Deedee O’Malley’s Holiday Showcase

December 22, 2005 – Hollywood, CA: Musicians, singers, songwriters and attendees came out to Celebrity Centre International for Deedee O’Malley’s AFABW Int Industry Showcase and enjoyed a spirited holiday celebration of music and camaraderie. Performers sang original songs as well as holiday tunes and the audience delighted in the intimate and soulful renditions.
Gabby McPhee set the tone for the evening with a gorgeous holiday medley.
Kevin Dahill did a great rendition of “The Christmas Song” and a beautiful original song called, “Say Anything For His Wife.”
Singer, guitarist, Jon Statham, led the audience through a myriad of emotions with his two performances. His original song, “The Last of Her Kind” about his grandmother, enchanted the audience about a woman many of them never personally met but were inspired to know her as if they had.
James Hurley had the audience in awe and hysterics with his Los Angeles vampire tune. He is a complete master of voice, guitar and the art of songwriting and brought the house down. The audience could not get enough of him as they yelled for an encore.
Artists connected up later in the evening over holiday treats and refreshments. DeeDee O’Malley commented that, “Musicians and singers have inspired mankind through the ages with voice and instruments and have been a harmonizing force helping to build a better world.”
After the showcase some of the performers toured the Celebrity Centre International facilities which includes Dianetics and Scientology courses. Many artists have attributed these courses to helping them achieve greater success in their careers.
Artists For A Better World International is dedicated to building a worldwide network of artists who share a vision of creating a better world through aesthetics and includes artists and art enthusiasts of goodwill from all religions, nationalities, creeds, races and cultures. In short, any and all who desire to help in the creation of a better world.