Film Festival

June 23, 2013 – Hollywood, CA: Film Makers for a Better World had their debut with a Film Festival today at Celebrity Centre in Hollywood.
The group was founded by Award winning film maker Bayou Bennett-Lir. Assisting is her co-director and co-writer husband and film maker Daniel Lir. Daniel and Bayou are the founders of Dolce Films. (
Their motto “Let our dream team manifest your dream” has opened doors for them to work with several high profile clients. This includes Adidas, MTV, Nickelodeon, P.Diddy, Chase Bank, Atlantic Records and many more.
Bayou says:
“The reason I started this group is that I felt there was a need for featuring uplifting films, films that are magical, films that make you think, films that communicate the truth and films that focus on the more positive nature of our world. One of the many incredible aspects of filmmaking as an art is that it includes so many other arts such as photography, fashion design, architecture, make up, graphic design, lighting, dance, choreography, theatre, and of course the art of human relations. So you get this combined power of all the arts into one which is amazing.”
The theatre at Celebrity Centre was packed with standing room only. Attending were several people in the film business, as well as other artists and guests.
Eight awards were given to film makers in various categories – to acknowledge them for their good work. Film maker for a Better World Awardees include:
Best visual effects Music video
“Part of Your World” by Raiya Corsiglia
Best Story Music Video
“The King of Jive” Written and produced by the Jive Aces
Best Short Film Cinematography:
“Novel” Film by Samuel Gonzalez Jr
Best Web Series Acting:
Madi from the Webseries “Madi 2 the Max”
Best Web Series :
“Crash Dance” Directed by Michael Bond
Best Fashion Video:
“Bowie” Fashion Film By Joshua Shultz
Best Short Documentary Film:
“Prescription of Violence.” Documentary by Randy Stith
Best Commercial:
“Breakheart” Directed by Tyler Parkinson