Fine Artists at the 2010 AFABW Arts Festival (with video)

October 9, 2010 – Hollywood: Fine art was resplendent at the Artists For A Better World International 10th annual arts festival. This year’s festival marks ten years of arts displays, workshops, seminars, artist showcases and performances, as well as the 10th annual AFABW Awards Event.
One of the artist coordinators, Dave Repchuk, remarked that “The diversity and professional standards of so much of the work is enchanting.”
Exhibitor, Carmelita Pittman said, “I’ve been a long-time supporter of Artists For A Better World and love the energy and enthusiasm over here at Celebrity Centre.”
The following video features a few of the fine artists along with some of their work.
- Karla Bartholomew
- Paula Howard
- Jean-Pierre Patie
- Jarod Peutz
- Carmelita Pittman
- Dave Repchuk
- Christy Rogers
- Tim Sabatino
- Patty Salas
- Petrina Sharp
- Peter Shoukry
- Heather Straup
- Queen Shamala Bessie Sykes
- Judy Taussig
An important part of each year’s festival is the AFABW Awards Event which honors artists who are helping others in their community through aesthetics. Three of the five awardees for this year are fine artists and their work was also prominently on display.
- Lisa Blumenfeld
- Alejandro Martinez-Pena
- Patrick Whelan
Visit the following link for more information about the event:
2010 Artists For A Better World 10th Annual Awards Event
Artists For A Better World International has a purpose to raise the awareness of global artists about using their creative powers to benefit mankind by leading the way to a better world and by supporting like-minded public benefit organizations that advocate humanitarian benevolence.