Marketing Your Art Seminar

August 24, 2019 — Sunland, CA: Twenty-two painters, photographers, writers, sculptors and musicians, a number who brought their work, attended an AFABW seminar, “How to Successfully Sell Your Art.”
The speaker, Lynda Hubbard, who owns Trend Creators marketing, presented key information to the attendees.
Attendees were asked their definitions of Marketing, and then of Art, which gave some people pause. Then it was clearly explained what they are, and how marketing is not a scary or confusing thing and vital for all artists.
This revelation then led to marketing research and how to find who their “public” are. They made lists of their real public for their particular artwork.
Next was how to find out what these public want in an artwork piece.
Taking a break, they did a simple survey showing their art and asking each other, “What does this communicate to you?”
Hubbard took one of the survey answer sheets and made up promotional copy using the answers, right on the spot. Attendees could see that getting the information via survey answers can be used to create a message about their artwork.
Having the right message is the key way to promote artwork, online and off. This is what attracts and interests people in the artwork. It can also be used in selecting testimonials.
In closing, Hubbard gave an uplifting talk about what artists do for their culture, their area, and in life. They were cautioned to not listen to destructive criticism, and the art critics who cannot do what they do.
She also stated, “Art is the gold that is created by people. It is genuine. It has real value, and if you check, the very uplifting artwork only goes UP in value as time goes by. Artists who get artwork in the hands of consumers are valuable. Art enriches a culture, makes people feel better and helps them innovate. Artists need to prosper from this and so continue creating their art.”
Attendee Nico Vosloo, a painter, said,“The whole feel of the event was enlightening. It’s okay to be an artist! With the information, it gave me a new spurt. Emailing (internet) was formidable to me before, but you put it in such a way that it’s okay, that I could understand it. There was so much enthusiasm from other artists too, and your seminar communicated. I really loved it!”