Music For A Better World CD pre-release at Multathlon

December 14, 2002 – Los Angeles: The historic 2002 5-Day Multathlon to Unite Greater Los Angeles for Human Rights concluded with a gala celebration for human rights on L. Ron Hubbard Way. Artists For A Better World International participated in the celebration concluding the 5 days of activities with a pre-release launch of their 2-CD recording, MUSIC FOR A BETTER WORLD. The CD features 30 recording artists from around the globe and is founded upon a theme of multicultural, uplifting and inspirational ideals.
The Mulathlon runners are pictured on the right with Artists For A Better World International staff and volunteers.
The Multathlon ended with a parade, festival and concert on L. Ron Hubbard Way, starting at 1:30pm. The street was closed down and 37 booths erected on both sides, displaying information from a diverse number of organizations including Artists For A Better World International; The United Nations Association; N.A.A.C.P. of Los Angeles; the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization; US Fund for UNICEF; the City of Angels United Religious Initiative; the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council; the Muslim Public Affairs Council; Sikh Dharma of Southern California; the Asian Pacific Health Care Venture, Inc.; Peace Sunday 2002; and the Southern California Indian Center.
Entertainers and celebrities Marisol Nichols and Jason Beghe hosted the program, which included a variety of performances: A Celtic band, The Remnants; Tom Fair & Friends; Korean singers from the Women’s Federation for World Peace; human rights singer-songwriter Joy Grayson; recording artist Desiree Greenier; Ziba Shirazi, an Iranian singer-songwriter, and Professor Ian Hall, who performed a number of songs with young members of Youth for Human Rights International. The highlight of the entertainment was a powerful performance by Andy Madadian (photo above), a popular Persian-Armenian entertainer, accompanied by his band and four Persian dancers.
“Multathlon”, is a coined term, combining “Multa” (“many”) and “-athlon” (“contest”). The athletes of the 2002 Los Angeles Multathlon participated in a 200 mile tour to the north, south, west and eastern points of Greater Los Angeles through a variety of sports activities, including, cycling, running, horseback riding, roller-blading and even skateboarding.