New Artists Directory Passes 100 Members

AFABW Int Website Announcement

October 25, 2008 – Hollywood: The new AFABW Int website is still going through daily testing and changes. As a result of the artist feedback, things have smoothed out and most folks are finding it pretty easy to get established in the new Artists Directory. In fact, most of the feedback has been very enthusiastic about all the new freedoms and advantages the new website and Artists Directory give to artists. Today we surpassed 100 members in the new Artists Directory. Thanks tons to all the artists who have contributed feedback along the way so far!

The new website and Artists Directory represents a quantum leap forward in the way AFABW Int artists may promote themselves. Although the improvements are too many to enumerate, it includes the following advantages:

  • Artists may display exponentially more pieces of artwork, poetry, stories and songs.
  • Artists may network with other global artists in ways not possible before.
  • The new website and Artists Directory gives artists the freedom to customize the arrangement of their page elements in many ways to feature whatever aspects of their work they desire.
  • The new Artists Directory offers artists the opportunity to change the colors and graphics of their individual pages.

In short, the new AFABW Int Website and Artists Directory is a dramatic upgrade in the way artists may promote themselves and communicate with others.

Have you added your music, artwork, poetry or stories?