Poetry: Ellipses

April 6, 2023 – Los Angeles: Kathryn Sadakierski, from Massachusetts, is a creative writer and artist who is passionate about making a positive difference in the world through inspirational art.
Did you ever notice
That when the wind spins
It brings leaves and twigs
With it?
And that when you skip stones,
The water of the pond unfurls
In endless circles?
Just when you thought a story was closed,
The book was reopened,
And you see that in every falling flake
Of snow, there is a face
Inscribed with lace
That you didn’t previously know.
Life is full, when you live it that way
When you see the circles
That move in every place
Around in dances
Where you join hands
And find yourself
In this universal plan,
Linked to others
Through a divine artist’s hands,
Shaping the earth like pottery,
Vines that grow flower like brushstrokes in paintings.
Through art,
We come alive again,
Remembering our roots
And where we have been,
Knowing that with beauty and grace,
The art that surrounds us everywhere,
Full-circle, like threads woven in a tapestry,
Quilt squares where our lives meet,
We will move further ahead.
by Kathryn Sadakierski of Massachusetts.
Copyright © By Kathryn Sadakierski. All Rights Reserved.