Poetry: Qatar

August 8, 2023 – Los Angeles: Hiba Ayshabi Babu Rasheed of Qatar. Introvert. Poet. Writer. Techno Geek.
Beautiful houses, neatly arranged
Tall date palm trees, what a wonderful exchange
Little rain during the months of winter
O land you give us back so much better
Sweet gel fruit, with you we break our fasts
Lines of your mother trees, as the traffic goes past
Silent beaches with untreacherous waters
In you we played till sunset, from past noon quarter
And you O corniche, you magical blue kingdom
Black at night, peace you give on walks that make us soar with freedom
And O athan, the call to prayer, aloud you sound
5 times a day, inviting worshipers to be success bound
And O beautiful parks, in you we played as children
Getting to the swings first, and then sharing with brothers and sisters, different
And O shopping havens, you give us a place for our eyes to feast, for our kids to wander
In you we walk, from you we buy, making sure to not squander
And O open skies, we gaze at you and think of dreams and limitless possibilities
Feeling the rays of heat and commuting daily for our responsibilities
O land, grateful to God are we for you,
May He grant you more that is just and true
by Hiba Ayshabi Babu Rasheed of Qatar.
Copyright © By Hiba Ayshabi Babu Rasheed. All Rights Reserved.
website: thankgodforfridays.blogspot.com