Poetry: Smile

December 6, 2022 – Los Angeles: Jessica O. Osburn, from Arkansas, has been creating poetry since she was able to write.
I smiled at an old man today.
And much to my surprise he smiled back.
His kindness caught me a little off guard, kinda knocked me off track.
I was nice to an old man today.
It only took a second of my time.
The tiny gesture that I showed, it didn’t even cost me a dime.
I showed an old man I care today.
Yet, I didn’t say a thing.
I just caught his eye as he caught mine.
I guess we both just glanced over at the same time.
So remember this the next time you see an old man staring.
Please, don’t be rude, and try not to be overbearing.
A smile is all it takes sometimes to show someone that you’re caring.

by Jessica O. Osburn of Arkansas.
Copyright © By Jessica O. Osburn. All Rights Reserved.