Poetry: The Tomb

January 18, 2020 – Los Angeles: The latest Artists For A Better World International “Poetry of the Month” selection features work from Fabiyas M V, who is a writer from Orumanayur village in Kerala, India.
The Tomb
Though building his own tomb,
he’s not insane.
His violinist friend’s body lies
within a glass box.
Violin tunes drizzle
over memory.
This musical funeral,
he finds charming.
A corpse and a carcass are alike
in the sand.
He wonders
how long the world has to wait
before a soul emerges
out of mystery.
Life is like a light
spreading between the two misty ends.
A lion-tailed macaque,
a Malabar pit viper,
a Carpenter ant,
a golden rain tree…
all die serenely.
But blood and brain turn
a man’s death
doleful and dreadful.
Today he renovates his tomb
that stands as the sole certainty
among several uncertainties.
by Fabiyas M V of India.
Copyright © By Fabiyas M V. All Rights Reserved.