Poetry: When We Have a Choice

June 15, 2020 – Los Angeles: The latest Artists For A Better World International “Poetry of the Month” selection features work from Fabienne Reynolds of the UK.
When We Have a Choice
What will you do my friend, once the storm is over
Where will you go neighbour, to now discover
Who will you see cousin, when you can have a choice?
Will you keep the promise you had sworn to yourself
A brand-new tomorrow promising a new self
Will you still stay at home, when you can have a choice?
Will you get back to tracks you had left in the sand
Will you let loose the sails to a wonderful land
Will you love back your life, when you can have a choice?
Will you drink the nectar of your life anew bright
Will you dance in the dark under the starry light
Will you sing me a song, when you can have a choice?
Who will be by your side when the past is beyond
Will you choose the present you painted to abscond
Will you know to be here, when you can have a choice?
Will we then be wiser, dignified and daring
Will we sing a new tune and dance to the ceiling
A future we dreamt of, when we did have a choice?
The storm passing over we vouched to be better
That our new being would only be smarter
Would we dare to make it, if we did have a choice?
In the depth of my soul a mad whisper of hope
A tiny little light that prays to grow in scope
Will it be big enough when we do have a choice?
by Fabienne Reynolds of the UK.
Copyright © By Fabienne Reynolds. All Rights Reserved.