President’s Welcome

Are you already helping to create a better world through aesthetics? (Or would you like to?) Want to affiliate yourself with others who share your views?
“Great!” and “You can,” are the short answers.
“Connect up with Artists For A Better World International and let’s create together,” is a more vital and causative answer.
We would be honored if you might visit and/or join our AFABW Int Facebook Group and share some of your fine art, music, poetry, short stories or videos and also make some new friends!
If you are so inclined, you are welcome to submit educational articles for potential publication in our online “Art Articles” section. (Send a query or your article via “Contact.”)
You are also welcome to nominate an artist for one of our annual AFABW “Creating A Better World” awards. Such artists have contributed to the betterment of their fellow man, community and world through the use of aesthetics.
Take a moment to peruse our “News” section to see what we’ve been up to in the past and what’s going on in the future. As a free member, you can also keep apprised of AFABW Int activities by signing up for your free subscription to the AFABW Int Art Line for news and activities.
- Want to start an AFABW group in your area?
- Have some ideas you might be interested in working together on?
Let’s talk!
Regardless of your area of AFABW Int interest, there is a way we can help each other build a better world through aesthetics.
Let’s get connected! Click Contact.
George Alger
President, Artists For A Better World International