Send Your Visual Art to AFABW Int for the ART DAY Card Project

May 10, 2007 – Hollywood: International ART DAY is celebrated annually on the second Friday of August. What will you do to honor artistic expression this year? Whatever you do, you can also mail AFABW Int ART DAY greeting cards to your friends and loved ones to forward the cause of celebrating creativity!
And before you can obtain your own AFABW Int ART DAY greeting cards, we need to create them…and we’d like to consider your visual art for potential placement in the cards!
Here is how you can participate:
A. Mail or eMail your ART DAY submission and contact details to AFABW Int by July 5, 2007. The theme is “CELEBRATING CREATIVITY.”
B. Selected artwork will be featured in ART DAY cards, which will be available for purchase in the AFABW Int online store by the end of July.
C. Purchase your cards from the AFABW Int online store by the end of July and mail one out to everyone you know by ART DAY, which is the second Friday in August (this year ART DAY is on August 10th).
AFABW Int is dedicated to building a worldwide network of artists who share a vision of creating a better world through aesthetics and is open to artists and art enthusiasts of goodwill from all religions, nationalities, creeds, races and cultures. In short, any and all who desire to help in the creation of a better world are eligible to submit their art.
Any visual work of art representative of some element of the theme “CELEBRATING CREATIVITY” may be submitted. This may include, and it not limited to, a painting, sketch, drawing, watercolor, photograph, digital art, sculpture, or any work of visual art.
Artists need to register online with AFABW Int (there are several membership levels, including FREE, which is all that is required for registration). Click on “Members Login” on the left to do so.
Artists will want to be subscribed to the free monthly AFABW Int Art Line eNewsletter for news and updates about art projects as they develop, including the announcement of the publication of the cards.
Note: Not all visual art submissions will be published
Submission Details
There are no entry fees to submit your art for the AFABW Int ART DAY greeting card project.
Artists whose work is selected for publication will be eligible to purchase any cards at a discount for a limited time immediately after the cards are produced.
You may either email one (1) image or mail three (3) images on CD.
To achieve the best quality images for your work in these cards, please submit your art as 300ppi jpg files, with an image size of 2250 x 1613 pixels (about 5×7 inches).
Mail Details
Mail up to three (3) works of visual art on CD by July 5, 2007 to:
Artists For A Better World International
5125 Hollywood Blvd. #13
Hollywood, CA 90027
Label the outside of the CD with your name, address, email and phone number.
Include within the CD your name, address, email, phone and titles of your artwork. You are welcome to include a short bio (100 words or less) that may be included in the cards, as well as your website if you have one.
Email one (1) work of visual art by July 5, 2007 to artday @
Include your name, address, phone and title of the artwork. You are welcome to include a short bio (100 words or less) that may be included in the cards, as well as your website if you have one.
NOTE: Please send two separate emails — one with your jpg attachment and information details and a duplicate email immediately following without an attachment. This way you can receive an email reply acknowledgement even if your attachment is not received.