The Pros and Cons of an Arts Holiday

July 22, 2004 – Los Angeles: It started out as a simple idea for people the world over to set aside a day for appreciating artists and for enjoying the kind of art they like. And it has now turned into a debate, not dissimilar to the conflicted international views about whether the arts deserve funding and where the arts fit into a technologically advancing culture.
Artists for A Better World International member Becky Mate is the founder of an international holiday for artists of all disciplines called Art Day, which falls annually on the second Friday in August. (This year on August 13). For the past six years, she has let people around the world know that such a holiday exists. The idea has been met with both favor and controversy. She has captured the various viewpoints in a booklet she wrote called, International Art Day: You Decide, The Pros and Cons of Having a Holiday for Revitalizing the Arts.
What do you think about having a day dedicated to artists?
What would you commit to doing on such a day to show your support for artists and the arts?
Or do you agree with those who find Art Day a bad idea?
While supplies last, order your free copy of the International Art Day: You Decide, The Pros and Cons of Having a Holiday for Revitalizing the Arts booklet, by clicking contact and sending your request and mail address.