Toronto Artists For A Better World

February 28, 2004 – Toronto, Canada: Toronto Artists For A Better World, sponsored by the Toronto Church of Scientology, helped organize and run the entertainment for the Horizon Interfaith Concert, which was held at the First Unitarian Congregation of Toronto. The Toronto Artists For A Better World Choir, The Up Tones was featured at the event. The Up Tones perform regularly for community programs to deliver entertaining messages of hope and inspiration. The Up Tones perform at church and community events, fundraisers, festivals and nursing homes. They sing songs, which have a positive message, selected from multiple sources of popular music as well as songs written by group members and L. Ron Hubbard.
In 2003 Toronto Artists for a Better World members participated in 39 events and 52 Sunday Services. These events included an Evening of Art where Pearl Silver was awarded a copy of L. Ron Hubbard’s Art book for her contributions towards helping artists. Toronto Artists for a Better World members participated in a trip to Toronto Island to teach 300 kids a song about helping the environment. Group members gave L. Ron Hubbard books on the Arts to modeling agents and concert promoters, artists and social directors and retirement homes. Toronto Artists For A Better World was acknowledged by Midland City Officials for helping make their Art Festival a highest-ever in attendance — 12,000 people. Toronto Artists for a Better World members performed at weddings, naming ceremonies, memorials and interfaith concerts.
In early 2004, Toronto Artists for a Better World members have entertained at 6 events, 12 Sunday Services and donated visual art for their church renovations fundraiser. Toronto Artists for a Better World members organize free “Coffee Houses” at the Church of Scientology where community visitors may enjoy uplifting music and tour the facilities.
Toronto Artists for A Better World is a community outreach program sponsored by the Church of Scientology of Toronto. It is comprised of Scientology and Non-Scientology members who are artists and art lovers. Group participation is open and welcome to anyone interested in helping to build a better world through aesthetics.
The purpose of this active group is to educate, enlighten and enrich the lives of the people of the Greater Toronto Area through the arts as well as the personal and social improvement technology of Dianetics and Scientology. The group members are encouraged to study and use L. Ron Hubbard’s methods relating to art, administration and self-improvement to help artists and art-related groups to pull together in the area and create a better society for all.