Video Poetry – Winter

December 1, 2020 – Los Angeles: Sarah James, of Worcestershire in the United Kingdom and her work “Winter,” is the latest Artists For A Better World International “Poetry of the Month” selection.
Sarah James is a prize-winning poet, fiction writer, journalist and photographer, as well as an occasional poetryfilm and videopoem filmmaker. Winner of the CP Aware Award Prize for Poetry 2021, she is author of seven poetry titles, an Arts Council England funded multimedia hypertext poetry narrative > Room, two novellas and a touring poetry-play. Editor at V. Press, award-winning poetry and flash fiction imprint.
Winter feels later this fall.
Today’s forecast will be followed by tomorrow’s.
Morning: drier weather. Rain arrives heavy. Maximum temperature. Night fog patches.
Long spells of sunshine rain. Heavy temperature. Night fog patches spells. Rain temperature.
Following recent updates to this hourly forecast, the weekly outlook for future years.
For seasonal predictions click here.
by Sarah James of the United Kingdom.
Copyright © By Sarah James. All Rights Reserved.