World Art Day in Los Angeles

April 15, 2018 – Los Angeles, CA: Today, a World Art Day celebration took place on the traditional date of Leonardo DaVinci’s birthday.
Becky Mate, who had been celebrating her own international Art Day since 1998, and moved the date to coincide with that of the UNESCO’s International Association of Art, remarked upon the “true joys” of having an Art Day celebration. She said, “An artist brought artwork which had never been seen by anyone before, and was amazed at rave reviews by attendees.”
People in the audience were smiling and laughing at the reading of a comedic short story. With artisan bread, fashion arts, visual arts, a raccoon painted on a rock, and a screenwriter who had won third place in a competition, you never know what serendipity will occur at an annual World Art Day celebration.”
Mate was seen asking a child at the Kids Table, as if he were an artist dignitary, if there was anything he needed for his art that he didn’t see on the table. When he said, “Glue,” it was swiftly provided.
Since the event is about bringing attention and validation to our wonderful artists, the following offers a brief introduction to some of those who attended:
Consummate artist Petrina Sharp, long-time member of AFABW, brought paintings and a meticulously constructed, stand alone stained glass window (devised to make a better view out of her kitchen window.) Sharp said, “Art is for sharing. Whether it is a mural or a custom painting or a painted effect (faux finish) to match stone, wood, etc, I love to create to make a happy place or space for you.” &
Several young artists made creations on the spot at the Kids Table and hung them on the line for all to see.

Tim Corbo, a musician for 40 years, specializing in Blues and jazz/pop, played a CD for the group on a homemade system built by Rob Oliver. Corbo said that World Art Day would make a better world by “connecting up artists and getting yourself known in the art community.”
Attendee Kathy Tollman, a self-taught digital artist who works with markers and Photoshop and loves bright colors, surfboards, skateboards, landscapes and seascapes with people in action, said, “I typically draw my project, scan it and then finish my work off in Photoshop.” She brought art that typifies her philosophy of “Make art, not war.”
Among the acrylic landscape works on display by Renee Eger, she also brought a painted sawblade. She began painting two years ago and seeks to get the beauty of her camping trips on canvas. She sees World Art Day as a way to learn from other artists.
Cathy DeLisle set her paintings near the giant palm tree and garden rocks at the gathering, but you might have done a double take looking at the rocks, because some are what she calls “pet rocks” because she does pet portraits on them. She also paints pet portraits and other animals on canvas. Proof of her love of animals lies in the fact that on her property she has 2 cats, 5 dogs, chickens, peacocks, peahens and some horses. She said, when asked about the effect of World Art Day, “If people are making art, they will be too happy to get into trouble.”

One of the attendees who had the group laughing was writer Doug Crowder, who read his story except about a man from Atlantis taking the comedic plunge into public speaking. Crowder said, “I’ve been a lawyer more years than I like to admit. This gives me material for my science fiction courtroom drama, featuring young attorneys from distant times and planets.” He supports World Art Day because, “By putting attention on people’s creative abilities, we can take attention away from crime, war and insanity, thus improving the world.”
Author Lynda Hubbard read from her book Journey to Nepal. She brought an oil painting and one of her pastels. She went to art school and traveled the world. Now, in addition to her art endeavors, she owns a market research company. Her vision of World Art Day includes making art more in the public eye as far as uplifting artists working together.
Pat Kramer, Writer for Hire, showed her handmade paper, which contains not only pulp and lint, but flowers and plants from the Sunland/Tujunga area. She is a ghostwriter of memoirs, and people tell her things they have never told another.
Randall Michael Tobin made an appearance at the World Art Day celebration. His is a composer, songwriter, producer, engineer, writer, director, videographer, editor, designer and chef! Founder and producer at Theta Sound Studio from 1977 to the present, first place winner in Adult Contemporary from the Great American Song Contest, platinum Best of Show winner as composer and music producer of the documentary “Xtasy: The Real Story” Part II. and, for 17 seasons, he was the composer, orchestrator, musician and conductor for The Snow Queen ballet based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson. He said, “World Art Day puts people’s attention on art and aesthetics for at least one day out of the year. Mo art, mo better!”