Worldwide Call for Art! Families Enjoying Art Together
March 21, 2003 – Hollywood, CA: Artists For A Better World International is calling artists, photographers and writers from around the world to submit art, photographs, short stories, essays and poetry for the creation of an AFABW Int Book of Art. Deadline is June 21, 2003.
This Art Book Compilation Project is based upon a theme of “Families Enjoying Art Together.” This book will be released as a celebration of the role of families in fostering a culture replete with the arts – just in time for Art Day, the international holiday for the arts and artists of all disciplines, which annually falls on the second Friday in August.
Selected art will be featured within this book based upon representative concepts such as (but not limited to):
- a child’s first introduction to the arts by a family member
- a happy family doing a stage performance together;
- the inclusion of the elderly in the arts;
- a family having fun creating a work of art together, etc.
We are looking for art which reflects the theme “Families Enjoying Art Together” in a positive and/or humorous way.
You may digitally submit up to 5 pieces of your work in any art discipline. If digital is not possible, send your written work or a picture of your art to AFABW Int, at the address below.
The entry fee is $20 for the first submission of art and $5 per subsequent piece. AFABW Int Members pay only $10 for the first submission of art and $5 per subsequent piece. (For membership information, visit
Entry Fee
Members Entry
Additional Entries
(Payments will be applied to the production of the book.)
You may also mail your art or written work on a disk or CD, or as reproduction quality photos to Artists For A Better World International, at the address below.
Makes checks payable to “Artists For A Better World International.”
Artists For a Better World International proudly acknowledges Glendale, California, the home of Art Day, as the first city in the world where Art Day is celebrated. Art Day, being a holiday that knows no borders and includes all disciplines, summarizes Glendale’s pride of diversity and wealth of creative outlets.
Artists For A Better World International is open to artists and art enthusiasts of all religions, nationalities, creeds, races and cultures. In short, any and all who desire to help in the creation of a better world.
Artists For A Better World International is dedicated to building a worldwide network of artists who share a vision of creating a better world through aesthetics.
The “Families Enjoying Art Together” Art Book Compilation Project is extended to participants of all ages in all nations where such a project is permitted. Art is something which connects families the world over. We look forward to viewing the works that you produce on this year’s topic. And, we wish you and your family a Happy Art Day!
Mail Correspondence to:
Artists For A Better World International
Families Enjoying Art Together
4845 Fountain Ave. #13
Hollywood, CA 90029
Families Enjoying Art Together Entry Form
Please include your name, address, telephone and email with all correspondence.
For more information click “Contact.”
Send Artists For A Better World International your art today!