Worldwide Call For Fine Art

February 26, 2006 – Hollywood: Artists For A Better World International has issued a “Worldwide Call for Fine Art.” Submissions will be reviewed and several depictions of fine art will be selected for publication in two different AFABW Int literature anthologies.
The Triumph of the Human Spirit
One original artwork will be chosen for the cover of the first AFABW Int short story compilation book that is themed and titled: The Triumph of the Human Spirit. This piece will be represented in color on the cover of the book.
The Spirit of Humanity
Another original piece of fine art will be selected for the cover of the second AFABW Int poetry anthology which is themed and titled: The Spirit of Humanity. This piece will be represented in color on the cover of the book.
Additionally, a number of fine artworks will be featured inside the AFABW Int poetry compilation book: The Spirit of Humanity. These pieces will be represented in black and white on various pages inside the book. (You are welcome to submit all color images. Just be aware that any work chosen for inside the poetry book will be converted to black and white.)
You do not need to designate which category you are submitting your art. Your work will be considered for all three potential placements. Since the themes for both books are somewhat broad many “Better World” visual artists may already have some work created that reflects some element of these themes. Submit up to 3 of your best such pieces for potential publication.
There is no submission fee for your fine art. When the books are completed they will be available for purchase online in the AFABW Int Store.
Artists whose work is selected for the cover of either of these books will receive a complimentary copy of the completed book.
All artists who submitted fine art will be offered a substantial discount to purchase the books for a limited time after its initial publication. (Be sure to be subscribed to the AFABW int Art Line eNewsletter for news and updates). Additionally, visual artists whose work is selected into the book will be eligible for an online AFABW Int “Premier” membership ($75.00 value).
Submit your fine art today!
AFABW Int is dedicated to building a worldwide network of artists who share a vision of creating a better world through aesthetics and is open to artists and art enthusiasts of goodwill from all religions, nationalities, creeds, races and cultures. In short, any and all who desire to help in the creation of a better world are eligible to submit their art.
Any visual work of art representative of some element of the themes noted above may be submitted. This may include, and it not limited to, a painting, sketch, drawing, water color, photograph, digital art, sculpture, or any work of visual art.
Note: ‘Not’ all visual art submissions will be published
Artists need to register online with AFABW Int (there are several membership levels, including FREE, which is all that is required for registration). Click on “Members Login” to do so.
Artists will want to be subscribed to the free monthly AFABW Int Art Line eNewsletter for news and updates about these art projects as they develop, including the announcement of the books’ release. (Click on FREE above right to subscribe).
Selections will be made by staff of Artists For A Better World International
Submission Details
If you are not a digitally oriented artist, you may want to skip the following technical specifications and instead contact AFABW Int Professional Digital Photographer, Jerry Keane, who will do a great job photographing your paintings or sculpture and/or converting any kind of visual art into the digital requirements needed to prepare your work for publication. Click “Contact” to get in touch with Jerry for his specially discounted AFABW Int rates to turn your sculpture, paintings, or any visual art into the needed digital files.
To achieve the best quality images for your work in these books, please submit your 3 images on a CD as 300ppi Tiff files, with an image size of 8×10 (about 2550 x 3300 pixels).
Submit up to 3 works of visual art and mail your CD to:
Artists For A Better World International
4845 Fountain Ave. #13
Hollywood, CA 90029
Each of the 3 Tiff file names should include your personal name. For example, JohnDoe-1.tif, JohnDoe-2.tif, and JohnDoe-3.tif
Label the CD with your name, address, email and phone number.
Please include a word file on the CD that notes your name, physical address, phone, email address, and website address (if you have one). Also, please include a title for each of your images in the same word document. For example:
JohnDoe-1.tif = Beauty
JohnDoe-2.tif = Harmony
JohnDoe-3.tif = Aesthetics
Fine Art Timeline
Fine Art CDs must be postmarked by deadline of May 1, 2006*
Qualifying fine art will be announced via email by June 1, 2006
Visual art selected for publication will be announced in the Art Line by July 1, 2006
The completed book is scheduled to be released at the AFABW 6th annual Arts Festival in Hollywood at the end of the summer, 2006. Every effort will be made to ensure that the book is available at that time. However, depending upon production processes that include: editing, art, layout, design, proofing and more, the release date may be subject to delay. The actual book release will be announced in the AFABW Int Art Line eNewsletter.
*It is intended that the deadline will be honored. However, in the event that the fine art submissions become too voluminous, the deadline may be shortened at any time. Please submit your fine art as soon as possible!