Worldwide Call for Plays! Man’s Greatness

March 6, 2003 – Hollywood, CA: Artist’s For A Better World International (AFABW Int) is calling on playwrights around the world to submit plays for an AFABW Playwriting Contest.
Artists For A Better World International is a membership and social betterment organization dedicated to building a worldwide network of artists who share a vision of creating a better world through aesthetics. AFABW Int and this contest are open to artists and art enthusiasts of all religions, nationalities, creeds, races and cultures. In short, any and all who desire to help in the creation of a better world.
This contest will culminate with the selection of a Grand Finalist Stage Play through a competitive and detailed submission process. This play will be performed in full production in September, 2003, during the AFABW Arts Festival in Hollywood, California. The Arts Festival’s motto is “Unity Through Creativity.”
1. Theme:
The theme of this contest is “Man’s Greatness.” All plays must subscribe to this theme.
Note: The story and characters may be of any scope, time or significance, but the play must illustrate characteristics of Man’s Greatness, such as personal integrity, persistence, the capacity for great love, etc.
2. Awards:
- There will be 10 Finalists who will receive Honorable Mention on the AFABW Int web site.
- Of the 3 top Finalists, 2 will receive a public staged reading at the 3rd Annual AFABW Arts Festival in Hollywood, California in September. This will include a survey of the audience and a videotape of the reading.
- The Grand Finalist will be produced in a fully-staged play at the Arts Festival in September.
- Award also includes:
- Transportation/lodging from within the USA to the Festival for the performances. (Budget limits dictated by AFABW.)
- Video tape of the performance, press releases and other promotion, and the potential for a longer run at the same venue.
Note: As this is the 1st playwriting contest presented by AFABW Int, we reserve the right to re-evaluate the generosity of awards in ratio to the amount of entrants.
3. Dates and Deadlines:
- Start of Contest: March 6, 2003
- Deadline for submissions: Postmarked by midnight, April 30, 2003
- Contest Winners Announced: July 1, 2003
- Performance of Grand Finalist will be during the 3rd Annual AFABW Arts Festival, September 14-21, 2003.
4. Entry Fee: $50 for each play submitted. Fee is non-refundable once play is accepted for submission.
5. Eligibility: This contest is open to playwrights of all religions, nationalities, creeds, races and cultures.
5a. All manuscripts must be original plays, unpublished, and previously unproduced as a presentation to the paying public. (Workshops, staged readings, non-profit community theatre and school productions are acceptable.)
5b. Plays may be comedy, drama or farce. They must be written in English. Musicals and children’s plays will not be accepted at this time. (Taped incidental music with cassette is acceptable.)
5c. Both full-length and one-act plays may be submitted:
- Full-length plays should be a minimum of 90 minutes playing time – a maximum of 135.
- Two or three short and related one-act plays by the same author will be judged as one entry. The total must fit within the 90 – 135 min. playing time and will be referred to as one “play.”
6. Format: Submit one copy of the manuscript, typewritten in “industry standard” stage play format, bound. Two title pages must be included: one bound (“blind”-include title only) and the other unbound. The unbound title page should contain the author’s name, address, telephone number, and email if available. This information must not appear anywhere else in the manuscript. Each page should, however, include the title of the play as header or footer.
6a. Plays must be accompanied by the following:
- a short synopsis of the play
- number of acts/scenes and run time
- a cast list and breakdown
- production notes and general set design
- prop list
- tape of incidental music if applicable
6b. Including a floppy disc of the play as a Word document or in a text format with the submission will make it easier for judges to review the work, but is not required.
7. Note: Though it will not be the first concern, simplicity of production is an economic reality and will be a consideration of the judgment of the finalist. Difficulty of production (excessive numbers of cast, sets, costumes, etc.) that require a high budget could result in rejection from the Grand Finalist position for the purposes of this contest.
8. Application: A completed Contest Application must accompany each submission.
8a. Subscribe to the AFABW Int “Art Line” eNewsletter to receive news and updates on the Playwriting Contest and other AFABW activities.
9. Acceptance: AFABW Int reserves the right to limit the number of entrants to a manageable number. Entry fees of plays not accepted for submission (entries over limit or that don’t quality) will be returned. Once a play is accepted as part of the contest, which means a judge may begin review, entry fees are non-refundable.
10. Limitations: Playwrights must be open to continued development of the submitted play, judgment of the director in staging, and possible limitations of set design.
11. Judges: Judges will consist of a panel of impartial playwrights and theatre professionals. The panel will submit their recommendations via a pre-made critique form – Review Sheet – to the Chairman of the Judging Committee. AFABW Int and all entrants understand that reviews are subjective and the individual opinion of each Reviewer, and in that context, contest results cannot be considered scientific or even in anyway “fair”. Each Reviewer, however, is committed to doing their best to evaluate the worthiness of each play for the purposes of the contest from a sense of professionalism, honesty and fair play, from their education and experience in their field.
12. Reviews: Authors may request copies of the Review Sheet(s) of their plays. To do this simply include a SASE specifically for the forwarding of Review Sheets.
13. Send submissions to:
Plays for a Better World
Artist for a Better World International
4845 Fountain Ave. #13
Hollywood, CA 90029
14. Return of scripts: Scripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a 10″x13″ (or of sufficient size) self-addressed-stamped-return envelope.
15. Acknowledgement of Receipt: If the contestant desires acknowledgement of receipt of manuscript, send it Registered Mail-Return Receipt Requested, or include a self-addressed-stamped-post card as part of the entry.
16. Disqualification: Submissions that fail to follow these rules, are incomplete, or illegible will be disqualified.
18. More Information click “Contact”
Copyright © 2003 Artists for a Better World International