Worldwide Call for Poems! Cairns Peace Week

April 15, 2003 – Cairns, Australia: Artists For A Better World International is calling on poets to submit poems of peace for consideration within a “Create Peace” book of poetry. The poems and book will be compiled, produced, published and then displayed at several locations during the July 17th-27th, 2003 “Peace Week” celebration in Cairns, Australia. The book will also be on display in Hollywood, California as part of the 3rd Annual Artists For A Better World International Arts Festival (September 14-21, 2003).
Peace Week is an annual community celebration to spread the message of understanding amongst different cultures. Cairns Peace Week began as a community initiative in 2000 to commemorate the International Year for the Culture of Peace. Community groups come together to network, make friends, and to present enlightening and inspirational events and exhibits, such as cultural displays, photo exhibitions, poetry readings, concerts, storytelling, etc. Each community group funds their own projects.
Peace Week is coordinated by the Cairns, Australia, City Council Multicultural Officer. The primary aim of the event is to “build compassion and understanding” between all people. “We do this through creating activities that allow for people to engage in new networks, expand their knowledge and develop friendships between people from all cultural, philosophical and social backgrounds.” The theme is always about creating a “Culture of Peace” for all people everywhere.