Worldwide Call For Short Stories – The Triumph of the Human Spirit

January 31, 2006 – Hollywood: Artists For A Better World International, in conjunction with the CCI Pro Writers Association, has issued a “Worldwide Call For Short Stories.” Submissions will be reviewed and several will be selected for publication in this short story compilation book. This soft-cover volume is themed and titled: The Triumph of the Human Spirit.
When the book is completed it will be available for purchase online in the AFABW Int Store. (Visit Bamboo Souls to see our first AFABW Int poetry compilation book, which includes the work of 47 poets from 9 countries).
There is a $10.00 submission fee for the first manuscript and a $5.00 admission fee for each additional manuscript from the same author — if mailed by the “Advance Deadline” (see details below).
Authors whose work is selected into the book will receive a complimentary copy of the book and will also be eligible for an online AFABW Int annual “Associate” membership ($20.00 value).
Submit your short stories today!
AFABW Int is dedicated to building a worldwide network of artists who share a vision of creating a better world through aesthetics and is open to artists and art enthusiasts of goodwill from all religions, nationalities, creeds, races and cultures. In short, any and all who desire to help in the creation of a better world are eligible to submit their stories.
- Any story in any genre is eligible that includes an element of The Triumph of the Human Spirit.
- The judges’ decision as to a story’s inclusion is binding.
- Note: ‘Not’ all submissions will be accepted. Publication is based on the selection criteria.
- Writers should be subscribed to the free monthly AFABW Int Art Line eNewsletter to hear news and updates on the book and other AFABW Int projects.
Senior Judge and Editor: David Bartlett – Executive Director CCI Pro Writers Association
Submission Details
- Writers need to register online with AFABW Int (there are several membership levels, including FREE, which is all that is required for registration).
- Original stories must be no more than 60 pages double-spaced with 1″ margins and 12 point font. Stories can be any length less than 60 pages double-spaced.
Mail your manuscript and submission fee to:
The Executive Director The Triumph of the Human Spirit CC Pro Writers Association 4845 Fountain Avenue #27 Los Angeles, CA 90029
- Make your check out to: Rebecca Mate, AFABW Int Treasurer.
- Be sure to include your name, address, phone number and email address.
- If you have more than one entry, the first submission is $10 and additional submissions are $5 each — if postmarked by the “Advance Deadline” of April 1, 2006.
- If postmarked by the “Final Deadline” of May 1st, 2006, the submission fees are $20.00 for the first entry and $10.00 for each additional entry.
- The Editor will contact you should there be any necessary changes or suggestions.
For more information, click “Contact” below.
- Contest “Advance Deadline” is April 1, 2006 ($10 1st submission, $5 for each additional).
- Contest “Final Deadline” is May 1, 2006 ($20 1st submission, $10 for each additional).
- Stories selected for publication will be announced by July 1, 2006.
- The completed book is scheduled to be released at the AFABW 6th annual Arts Festival in Hollywood at the end of the summer, 2006.
Every effort will be made so the book may be available at that time. However, depending upon production processes including: story selection, editing, art, layout, design, and proofing, the release date may be subject to delay.
When released, the book will concurrently be available within the Artists For A Better World International online Store. The exact release date, and other related information, will be announced in the AFABW Int Art Line eNewsletter as well as on the AFABW Int website.