Worldwide Call for Video Poems

May 10, 2020 – Los Angeles: [updated from 8/5/19] Artists For A Better World International is calling for global video poem submissions.
- Selected video poetry will be featured in our “Poem of the Month” postings to our website and Facebook Group.
- Some of the video poetry will be broadcast on cable channel 6 Our Ventura TV (in California).
The deadline for video poems is December 15, 2020.
There is no cost to submit video poetry.
Artists For A Better World International challenges global poets to submit poetry influenced by a theme of “creating a better world” and/or inspiring readers.
For additional insight, please review the purpose of AFABW, as delineated in the AFABW Mission Statement.
Submit up to three video poems via YouTube or Vimeo.
YouTube and Vimeo accounts are free. Alternatively, if you prefer to send us your video directly, simply request a private upload link. (Just be sure to do so at least a week before the deadline).
- The deadline for video poems is Dec 15, 2020
- You may submit up to three (3) video poems
- Video poetry can be of the poet reading his or her work
- Video poetry can be of someone else reading the poet’s work
- Video poetry can include other imagery
- Video poetry does not have to include anyone reading the poem. (In other words, the video poem can be a voice-over).
- Video poetry can be recorded in any environment (with attention to good quality audio)
- Video poetry can be recorded at home, in nature, in a car, in an auditorium, a studio, the lobby of a building, a football field, or anywhere
- Video poetry readings can be in front of an audience (or not)
- Video poetry can be accompanied by music*
- Video poetry can be presented as a song
- Video poetry can be created in the style of a music video*
- In brief, any style of video which includes the poem is acceptable
- Please include a written version of your poem when submitting a video poem
*Be sure to use only music or other material that you own, or have permission to use, or that is free of copyright restrictions.
Video poetry is simply an additional (and separate) way to convey the message of written poetry and also pays homage to the earliest known way poetry reached audiences: as an oral recitation or improvisation.
Submissions closed Dec 15, 2020
Your video poetry submission will also be considered as part of our “Poetry of the Month” program, as long as a written version is simultaneously submitted.
Each month from Oct 2019 to Dec 2020, one or more of recent submissions (written and video poetry) will be featured on the AFABW Int website, social media and the AFABW Int Art Line eNewsletter.
Be sure to include a written version of your video poem to be considered as a poem of the month.
Visit the following link to view recent Poetry of the Month.
Poets maintain all original rights to their work. By submitting video and/or written poetry to AFABW Int, or in any way providing poetry or any other art to AFABW Int, poets and artists are granting the right to AFABW Int to publish their poems and to use such for promotional purposes, while giving credit to the poet.
Click “CONTACT” for more info